Audrey Troutt
Accomplished hands-on technology leader with over twelve years of experience that includes engineering leadership and hands on development of Android, iOS, and web-based solutions as well as APIs and data pipelines. Builder of healthy and efficient engineering cultures. Tech community leader and advocate.

Audrey Troutt is the CTO at Tomo and is based in Philadelphia, PA. At Tomo she founded the engineering organization, led the team to build Tomo's technology platform from the ground up, and launched in 2021. Tomo is building the future for how homes are bought -- bringing certainty and joy to the home buying process. We are with you whether you are searching for your dream home or seeking for the most delightful, no-drama, low-cost mortgage possible
Previously, Audrey was a mobile engineering director for Comcast Connected Living group where she led teams that built iOS and Android mobile apps that help connect, protect, and empower her customers across their digital and physical lives, from managing their wifi networks and security, to controlling smart home devices, to intelligent browsing of live and recorded video from their home security cameras.
Other past roles include senior software development manager for the In-App Marketing, App Store Analytics, and TMC SDKs and plugins teams at Tune, and Director of Mobile at SnipSnap and, before that, was a lead engineer at Artisan Mobile in Philadelphia. In addition to being a polyglot programmer and full-stack developer with a decade of experience, Audrey is passionate about clean code, automation, continuous learning, and building communities.
Audrey has a Master of Information Technology degree from the University of Pennsylvania (2007) and a BA in Music/Physics from New College of Florida (2004). She has strong roots in the agile and software craftsmanship community and often speaks there as well as at mobile events. Audrey has experience as an adjunct professor as well as a volunteer teacher and course developer for TechGirlz and Girl Develop It Philly. She is also an organizing committee member for the Philly ETE Conference and the Women in Tech Summit.

I am available to speak at tech user groups and conferences. Some of my past topics include technical documenation, effective user analytics integration patterns, career growth from tech lead up to engineering director, Android metaprogramming, TDD, automated testing for mobile, building effective remote development teams, and teaching kids to code. I'm eager to talk more about mobile app development, deep linking, mobile marketing automation, A/B testing implementation, automated testing, engineering management, and SDK development.
For speaking invitations, reach out to me on LinkedIn.
Past Talks:
- "Grow Others to Grow Yourself (as an IC)" InfoQ NYC 2023 (video)
- "Building from Zero: Tomo's Engineering Journey" PhillyETE 2022 (video)
- "Grow Others to Grow Yourself: Lessons Learned Going from Tech Lead to Engineering Manager to Director" Comcast CXT Knowledgefest July 2020 (slides)
- "Grow Others to Grow Yourself: Lessons Learned Going from Tech Lead to Engineering Manager to Director" Women in Tech Virtual Summit July 2020 (slides)
- "Helping Future You with Internal Technical Documentation" Comcast TPX Tech Talk Series, Philadelphia November 2019 (slides)
- "Helping Future You with Internal Technical Documentation" Philly Cocoaheads Meetup, Philadelphia September 2019 (slides)
- "Panel: Navigating your career as a technologist" GDG Philly Meetup July 2019 ( Philly Article)
- "Learn Better Together" Comcast TPX Speaker Series January 2019 ("Effective 3rd Party In-App Analytics Integrations" Philly Tech Week, Android Meets iOS Meetup Philadelphia April 2018 (slides)
- "Intro to Android Development Workshop" Women in Tech Summit Northeast, Philadelphia April 2018 (slides)
- "Lightning talk: Android Annotation Processors" Philly Android Alliance and Philly Cocoaheads joint meetup, Philly Tech Week, May 2017 (slides)
- "Working Remotely Together" Women in Tech Summit Philadelphia, April 2017 (slides)
- "Learn Better Together" Software as a Craft North America October 2016 (slides) (recording)
- "Panel: Cultivating the craft of software engineering" Philly Tech Week 2016 Senior Dev Day at PromptWorks (recording)
- "Android Metaprogramming" Droidcon NYC 2015 (recording)(slides)
- "Ask The Experts: Mobile Development" 2015 Philly Women in Tech Summit
- "Add TDD to your Toolbox" 2014 Agile Tour, Philly (slides)
- "Teaching Kids to Code on Raspberry Pi" GoRuCo 2014 (recording)
- "Building Highly Effective Android Apps vs. Mediocre iOS Clones" AppsWorld February 2014 (recording)(slides)
- "Automated UI Testing on iOS and Android devices with Appium" Mobile Philly June 2013
- "Intro to Drupal" THATCamp Philly September 2012
- "Intro to Test-Driven Development" Philadelphia Women in Tech Summit April 2012
- "Influencing Your way to Agile" Philly ETE 2010 (recording) (Blog)

- A Chat with WITS Virtual Summit Speaker — Audrey Troutt Published Interview 2020
- This Philly conference scans the horizon of what’s next in enterprise technology Philly Article 2019
- Learn Better Together Blog 2017
- Evaluating Developer Experience for Mobile SDK integrations Blog 2016
- WatchKit Development Debugging Tips Artisan Mobile Blog 2015 (moved after TUNE acquisition)
- Auto-Collection of User Events on Android Artisan Mobile Blog 2015 (moved after TUNE acquisition)
- Introduction to Artisan Engineering Artisan Mobile Blog 2014 (moved after TUNE acquisition)
- Why I'm a TechGirl: Audrey Troutt TechGirlz Blog 2014
- Internal Hackathon as Team Technical Training Blog 2012
- Product Sashimi Blog 2010
- Architectural Katas Blog 2010
- Pair Exchange Program Blog 2009
- What Every Business Person Needs To Know About Agile Software Development [PDF] White Paper, Ternary Software 2008

Android for Beginners
This is a practical introduction to app development on Android. At the end of this class students know not only how to start a new app project, but also how some of the most common features in Android apps are implemented. Students become acquainted with standard Android, Google, and open source libraries for building Android apps. Course sections include: Running your first app, Anatomy of an app, APIs and authentication, Cameras and photos, and Testing and Refactoring. See the complete course deck.
It is important to build things from scratch, understand existing code, and take things apart. Therefore the coding exercises area a combination of read and edit, build from pieces, and starting from scratch.
Versions of this class have been taught at:
- Women in Tech Summit Northeast, Philadelphia, April 2018
- TUNE's Geeks In the Woods, Seattle, August 2017
- Girl Develop It, Philadelphia, November 2016
Intro to Kanban
When my teams switched from Scrum to Kanban I prepared this overview of the new process, including: How Kanban differs from Scrum, the core principles behind Kanban (visualize work, limit WIP, focus on the flow of work, and continuous improvement), and the mechanics of Kanban and the Kanban board
Tune, Seattle, November 2017
Intro to Scrum
What is scrum? What are the three scrum roles and four scrum rituals? What is a product backlog vs a sprint backlog? What am I supposed to be doing at sprint planning? or retro? or standup?
This is a pure Scrum "by the book" overview, which probably doesn't look like what we do today, but I think it's valuable to give everyone insight into the textbook process so that we can make informed decisions about how we work and understand why those processes are valuable. This presentation is based on a creative commons deck written by Scrum Alliance co-founder Mike Cohn. See the slides.
Tune, Seattle, June 2017
Tech Talk Brainstorming
Speaking professionally is a great way to deepen your understanding of a topic, show off what you've learned, make new friends in the industry, and even unlock new opportunities. Whether it's for a meetup, a conference, or even here internally at work, devs often say "but don't have anything to talk about." I assure you that isn't true. In this workshop we will go through several exercises to get your tech talk ideas flowing and share them around with the group. By the end you should have several ideas!. See the slides.
Tune, Seattle, January 2017
Programming with Scratch on the Raspberry Pi
I co-wrote and co-taught this workshop for girls age 11-14 for TechGirlz. This course is for students with any range of experience with programming and using hardware. We explain the basics of electronic circuits. Students learn to build circuits, program blinking lights, and use buttons. The lesson uses the programming language Scratch to program the hardware (buttons, lights). The students learn about programming concepts such as if statements and loops. This course was published to TechGirlz's TechShop library and has since been updated and re-taught numerous times. See the original course repo.
TechGirlz, Philadlephia, 2014
Client Side Programming
As an Adjunct Professor, I taught "Client Side Programming", an introductory Java programming course for undergraduates. Students learned how to create object-oriented GUI applications in Java.
Drexel University, Goodwin College, Philadelphia, PA, 2009-2010